
RWS Experience


We have a vision of the child we aim to graduate and everything in our schools is designed around that vision. Emerging Student Profile (ESP) is the vision that Rhombus World school promises. Everything we do in the school strives to achieve this profile for each child. While each child will take a different path to this profile, we run the schools with the firm belief that this profile will enable our children to be leaders of the 21st century.

The Emergent Student Profile Comprises Three Essential Faculties: Life Skills, Knowledge And Core Values.

Educating oneself with these core values, will pave way for students to achieve their goals in life quite effectively.

  • Integrity : Honouring your word
  • Open-Mindedness : Being flexible and adaptive to new experiences and ideas
  • Authenticity : It is the alignment of head, mouth, heart, and hands - thinking, saying, feeling, and doing the same thing consistently. This builds trust and sense of cooperation.
  • Humility : Being able to laugh at oneself
  • Growth Mindset : believing that your intelligence can be developed over time through your own efforts
  • Compassion : Being sensitive and caring towards the needs of others.

Knowledge, as defined at Rhombus World School, goes beyond the traditional boundaries of academic learning.

  • Higher Order Thinking Skills Students gain real understanding of each subject they take. That enables them to not only retain and apply but also to create new knowledge and ideas from his understanding

  • Sports and Yoga Students are encouraged to take up sports not only for fitness and health but also for developing the values of sportsmanship and teamwork and students are motivated to embrace yoga in their lifestyle to achieve balance in l.ife.

  • Art (Fine Arts, Performing Arts and Applied Arts) Students will develop proficiency in one more arts form.

  • Entrepreneurship Students will see the world as owners. They'll develop an ability to reach a goal by making choices and sequencing actions.

  • Finance Students will develop a strong and empowering relationship with money and techniques for managing finances.


Skills of critical for leading life powerful or students will emerge out of school with the following life skills:

  • Effective habits: Our character is composed of our habits inspired by Stephen covey's 7 habits of Highly Effective People. Rhombus World School have a series of programmes during the students hours for building the effective habits

  • Media literacy: It develops the ability to analyze critic and effectively use the media to find the Never Land and reliable information for making informed decisions

  • Aesthetic sense: Aesthetic sense helps students appreciate the beauty that exist around them and contribute to it.

  • Metacognition Meta: cognition is the skill of knowing how we learn and our unique style of learning, this helps to remove the hidden barriers to our learning processes

  • Risk taking: This is the skill of making our own decisions at the risk of making a mistake rather than simply doing what we are told by others.

  • Self-Management: Self-management plans are used for teaching students to complete task independently and take an active role in monitoring and evaluating their own behaviour and important goal in education is fostering independence.